ECU (Electronic Currency Unit) has been created to succesfully compete with the main cryptocurrecies (like Bitcoin and Litecoin, and also with other centralized complementary coin schemes like LETS, Hours, etc. aiming to create a worldwide digital private currency, complementary or alternative to fiat money, to develope an increased exchange of goods and services without any currency conversion costs, and also as a mean of investment and as a reserve of value (against the inflationary fiat money of all countries).




About Us

We are López & Valenzuela S.C., an experienced, highly qualified, honest and discreet Spanish company of professionals, with a focused vision to create a succesful worldwide complementary private currency (called ECU, from "Electronic Currency Unit", symbol Ê) able to compete with cryptocurrencies and any other centralized or managed complementary private currencies (LETS, Hours, etc), taking the best characteristics of both systems (cryptic and centralized).


The company has designed the currency, and she will manage and administrate the registration of members, create accounts, administrate a worldwide e-market in ECU coin, and solve other issues and tasks related to the use of the ECU.

As long as we are talking about a centralized currency, the biggest issue for users would be inflation and the unscrupulous creation of infinite coins, degrading the existing ones.


That last situation will never arise.

First of all, because we really are honest people (what is more than many politicians & bankers can say, and they manage and produce daily the fiat money of each State of the world), and secondary, because we strongly believe in the success of this digital currency, so we are not going to boycott it nor to loose the confidence of the members of the ECU coin net, the consumers that use it and the currency market (loosing the value of our own ECU, by the way, and the time and efforts to make it a valued and used coin). 

We will be enough rewarded if finally the ECU is a worldwide success, as we expect, so we don't need to be greedy (and we're not in any case). 

We are here just to assist you, and to benefit all the users, companies and consumers that put their confidence in the ECU and in us.

How to register and open an ECU account

You could register as a member, create an account, begin to create ("mine") ECU (see how to do it in the Terms&Conditions document), buy ECU from the company and/or to do e-commerce with it (worldwide offers & requests) in the following website (copy and paste the link in your navigator, please):

In the CES website, ECU is currency number 110 of Spain, code ECUC.

We have implemented ECU using CES (Community Exchange System) website as an easy way to begin to run the digital currency provisionally , using the LETS (a mutual credit) scheme to do it (although ECU it's not a LETS scheme, but a e-coin, so forget all the explanations about LETS system given in that website and just use the software as if it were a traditional bank account).

When registering, you will be asked to introduce 3 offers or requests to be considered. At least ONE OFFER must be introduced (if no one comes to your mind, we suggest to put "SWAP ECU for EUROS"/DOLLARS/etc, and the conversión rate is freely fixed by you). You can also introduce 3 requests ("wants") that you would like to get in the future using ECU! That can be changed or deleted once registered. In this way, we will begin to create and run a worlwide market (offers, requests) for ECU!

You can be registered using your real name; but you can also be registered under a pseudonym (Organization&Company Name; Name&Surname) or under a choosen letter&numbers code to be fully anonymous for third parties, because CES website will reflect the ECU amounts owned by each registered member under this name, and all the operations made by it.

This public exposition of the accounts and purchases will upgrade the transparency of the system and the coin scheme (but members still would be anonymous for the rest), and it will give power to each registered member to be sure that nobody is cheating nor playing with the CES system, with the ECU currency or with the total amount of ECU created and existing.

Although you could be anonymous for the rest of members, for security and legal reasons you will not be for the company (and just for it): aditionally to filling the registration form in CES web, in order to open an ECU account you will also have to send an email ( telling us which is your elected pseudonym (this information will remain undisclosed per the Terms&Conditions document and Privacy Policy document, and included in a data file under the Spanish Personal Data Protection Act), and also attaching an scanned copy of your Passport/ID document to probe us your real identity and that you're at least 18 years old in order to open an account with us. 

Organizations and Companies will have to send a copy of the Tax/ID number, of the Constitution Deed and of the power of attorney or public deed where the representation is given to whomever is opening the account on behalf of the legal person. This representative will have to provide us a copy of his Passport/ID document too. 

All the documents sent to us should be written in Spanish, English, French or Portuguese, or if they are in any other one, they will be a legalized and apostilled copy of the original one, translated to one of this  languages.

We encourage you to join ECU now, to register as a member in the above mentioned website and to begin to enjoy the benefits of the ECU coin.

Contact us now.

Our Commitment

You can trust that the ECU will be handled with professionalism, integrity, and the utmost discretion.



 Exchanges & Jobs

The company is seeking Coordinators all around the world, according to the definition of them made by the CES scheme (please, consult CES website to see the tasks expected). They will help people without internet Access to open an account and operate it, get new members and offers, and also explain and do marketing aimed to local people, companies, businesses and media about what is an ECU, and how it works, etc.

Coordinators will be entrusted to work within a local area, to be individually defined case by case. Tell us where you are and what is your expected radius of action (quarter, city, county, local región, etc). Be realistic, please. There isn't any exclusivity area, so there could be more tan one person in the same location.

This "job" is compensated with 0,10 ECU/day. And an additional 1 ECU for each new member registered by them or thanks to them.

Coordinators could be immediately removed without previous notice, at any time and discretionally by us, and without any compensation. There will not be any kind of labour contract or relationship between López&Valenzuela SC and the Coordinators, they will be totally voluntaries, although they will receive, as explained, a small compensation from us for their time & efforts.

If you're interested to become one, please send us an email with your CV (including photo) and explaining why would you like to become a Coordinator (remuneration motivation excluded). To be finally choosen, banking or a selling agent backgrounds would be a must, and also it would be positive to have a good local network & contacts, speak several languages, etc. But enthusiasm and a strong believe in the success of ECU, and willingness to work hard to achieve this result, would be paramount.

 Personal Data Protection Act (Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal)

 Los datos recabados de los miembros registrados serán incluidos en un fichero de datos registrado ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal. El fichero estará gestionado y custodiado por López & Valenzuela SC, como titular del mismo. Ningún dato del fichero será facilitado a terceros, salvo por mandato judicial o con autorización expresa del miembro, ni vendido ni cedido a terceros fuera de López & Valenzuela SC. Para acceder, modificar, oponerse o cancelar los datos del fichero deberá enviarse un email a con el asunto "Datos Personales", identificándose el remitente con su identidad real y el pseudónimo o código alfanumérico utilizado en CES, y exponiendo su pretensión.